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Elizabeth Harper Neeld, Ph.D.

For the past two decades, Elizabeth Neeld has been an internationally recognized and accomplished author, consultant, and adviser on grief and loss, personal and organizational change, and the possibilities of living a centered, balanced life.  She has written eighteen books, helped leaders from Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies, as well as numerous foreign businesses faced with the challenges of responding to rapid, unpredictable change. 

Seven Choices: Finding Daylight after Loss Shatters Your World


Everyone experiences grief, but few books offer real help with the debilitating emotions of bereavement.  In this groundbreaking book, Elizabeth Harper Neeld has given form to the work of grieving and mapped the terrain between life as it was and life as it can be by identifying seven major phases grief. Each of these phases offers the griever a choice that will engender growth and a renewed zest for life. For grieving is not a passive process but an active willingness to feel, to sort out and weigh experience, and to risk new attachments.


Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Tough Transitions: Navigating Your Way Through Difficult Times


Through a thoughtful blend of scientific research, real-life stories, and wisdom of numerous traditions, she assists readers in gaining perspective and bringing a sense of equilibrium back to their lives as they learn the difference between surviving and thriving. Using a life-map created exclusively for this book that, at a glance, shows the unfamiliar territory ahead, she guides us through the four R's, the nuances of every transition: Responding, Reviewing, Reorganizing, and Renewing. 


Amazon, Barnes and Noble

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